Page name: Fake Goths [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: ^_^ I'm sure somewhere in there was a compliment.. thank ya! :D

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Yup o-o my mind kinda I forgot what word I was going to use...and had to replace it with the down the stairs simulation >.> *rambles* ANywho, yeah, you're welcome XD

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: ^_^ Rambling ish fun. rawr. I need to clean my car, and my room, and pack, and move ><

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: yay! I got to use my sarcastic smiley! ^_^ Yes, I use "=)" as a sarcastic smile. It looks like one, doesnt it?

2005-08-11 [AbLam]: Believe me, [Simply Real] is one of those few who continues to argue with you.

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: not I.. *pouts* Tell him to come convert me. I could use some fun.

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Oh my o-o I wanna see that!

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: well, I cant let my pwning get too rusty! ><

2005-08-11 [AbLam]: I sent him an message telling him to do just that!

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: woohoo! xD

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: And so it begins...*dramatic Lord of the Rings music*

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: nope.. hasnt messaged my, yet.. *sigh*

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: x.x

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: it's alright.. just tired.. I need something to do ><

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: least Sauron doesn't have the ring yet and Frodo is still happy- I mean...umm...yeah...forget I said that x.x

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah...

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Soo...I like to draw =3

2005-08-11 [Lost in Illusions]: I like to dane. wheeeeeee

2005-08-11 [Grey Eyes]: Boogey down now? o-0

2005-08-12 [Avoral]: Now, children. Let's see some discipline. Bring me sacrifices.

2005-08-12 [Lost in Illusions]: foolish preacher. Here's one for you, m'lord.

2005-08-12 [Lost in Illusions]: Completed quite a while ago, but I'm sure it is equally as satisfying.

2005-08-12 [Avoral]: *Goes to read it*

2005-08-12 [Lost in Illusions]: and as another treat, may I offer <insert witty remark here>. They are not quite sacrifices, but they may suffice your appetite.

2005-08-12 [AbLam]: Hmm, okay. I think we need to bring up a touchy topic into the wiki here, and make everyone mad and have another five page long argument!

2005-08-12 [Lost in Illusions]: ooh, controversy. I can do that. too bad I dont have anything to say.

2005-08-13 [AbLam]: Aww...well I can't think of anything. I guess I'll go check out all of the wikis you have 'pwned'. (Whattt?)

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: When God's in your life, no need exists to escape into ANY fantasy realm, reading or movies alike.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: A revelation: I used to be a member of this wikki when i was all "hardcore goth" as it points out false goths... Redundant really, as goths are not really true to themselves. Its a way to hide, to be somthing else, to try and hide the pains and anguishes (unless your an emo). Wouldnt it be nice to be really real? and not just play real?

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: I agree, because you're already in a fantasy realm because you believe in God. :) Actually, I have nothing against those who believe in God, I just wanted to say that. I don't think being goth is hiding at all. Being 'goth' and being true to one's self are not mutually exclusive.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: what does being "gothic" have to do with being christian?

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Darn. I hoped that it would be a private message. Anyway, to reply to this, I dont consider myself a part of any group, religious, emo/goth, or otherwise. I also dont believe in "God" as you named him. So, where does that put me? I dont believe in what is supposedly "real" but I dont live in a "fantasy" world, either. So, it grows quite perplexing when you say someone like me is just living in fantasy by being "emo" or "goth," yet I refuse to accept your perfect ideals of reality and "god"

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: I don't think it has anything to do with it, [Spanakopida]. Christian Warrior just "cares about us even if we don't care about him" and he's preaching to us.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: lest we forget ive lived that lifestyle for many years... ive been a christain for 3 months, i used to be very anti christ and say the things you say upon conversion of my life, ive never found any more real and truthfull, for you can run from truth. It finally caught up to me. this isnt a fantasy realm, we are very real spirit beings. You are just greatly decieves... the "world" has such a backwards view on things these days...but thats also cuz satans hand is upon it. I used to be a satanist, before that an athiest... :) I know all about fantasy realms

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: ...Maybe you should answer my question.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Well being very anti-Christ is silly, too. What's the point? And it's awesome how all these religions choose to blame evil on one single entity. CW, just because you chose to live in a fantasy world doesn't mean the rest of us have to or will choose to.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: God is real, as i never used to belevie, i used to be the one fighting the christians, convincing christaisn god wasnt real... well God sure showed me. never named any one is specific at this place being anything... just the place in genera as a hang out for suposidly "real goths" well the whole concept of reality on the internet is ...really flawed. Goths hide alot... all do in one way or i was at the heart of it and greatly respected as one at one point.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: your question was irrelevent and had no direction, i made no comment about gothism relating to christianity, ecept to myself as how i know that lifestyle truly better than i know the one i now walk.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Yes you did.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: lets not blame things so ignorantly, for you dont know the world i live in, as i know the world you dwell in. theres nothing "fantasy like" about God at all.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: show me Sir, and prove yourself a fool.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: "A revelation: I used to be a member of this wikki when i was all "hardcore goth" as it points out false goths... Redundant really, as goths are not really true to themselves. Its a way to hide, to be somthing else, to try and hide the pains and anguishes (unless your an emo). Wouldnt it be nice to be really real? and not just play real?" answer my question.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Oh, you never used to belevie that God was real? "never named any one is specific at this place being anything" That's just a 'whole lotta wrong'. Actually, this is a hangout for those who are against FAKE goths; we don't claim to be real goths, as far as I'm concerned. Well please explain how and why goths hide. I'm interested.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: want to place labels? doge this one, your young and ignorant, a supeman who knows no real fight. Reality is still truly waiting for you, upon entering it, you wont be so pridful and arrogant in assumptions... as me and my christian friends once were.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: ANSWER THE GODDAMN QUESTION please. That is what I want you to do.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: Span, you proved yourself a fool. thank you for verifying that I am right and that you havnt asked a relacent question upon what I stated.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: I did. Hows about you ask a question and realize what it is you asked... and remember it.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: And another factor. Who says that those who are "emo" and "goth" are trying to hide anything? They are expressing the same thing as you, their beliefs, though you dont like the way that they are. As idiotic as it sounds, there are Christian goths, who believe in the dark beauty and sophistication of the victorian era; at least I do. Different beliefs, or no beliefs, doesnt mean that the person is ignorant. Lords knows I dont denounce every person as a friend because they have slightly, or even intensely different beliefs or interests than myself.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: What does beign Goth Have to do with being christian? You implied that because you were GOTH, you were misguided, and that all goths are that same way. and so I asked you a perfectly relevant question about the message you were implying.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: Hiding behin make up and a look that isnt really their look... somthing made up in darkness for "darkness" feels secure... where no one knows you... no one sees you ... and you hide.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Maybe it is their "look" Maybe they see beauty in darkness and still seek and worship god.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: im not denouncing anyone or anything or judging anyone or anything... i merely stated a fact. christian goth is redundant! to be christ like is a christian! living in darkness is not living in light and the truth! true beauty is love! not morbidness and dark beauty... blood on a white rose... every one has beleifs and all the power to em.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Sweet oranges, can't they just like how the makeup and fashion look, [Simply Real]? Does everything have to mean something really, really deep and express deep inner turmoil?

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: what in that sequence has to do with christanity? perhaps a better question would be to ask... All goths are misquided... through christ we find a path. stop the angery nagging please. You cant warship two Gods.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: And how can you make these assumptions? "True beauty is love! Not morbidness and dark beauty." Actually, you just said both were beauty. And you can worship as many Gods as you bloody want, excuse me.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Not all goths are obsessed with blood. Maybe they like the look of things, or the fashion, the style, the era. If they worship your god, they are not misguided according to you. They can see the beauty in all things, and in some ways are probably a better christian than you will ever be because you judge and shun and do not respect others.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: If it did not, then that is a fake goth!! a real goth is about the meaning and depth and atitude and frame of mind! a fake goth only merely likes the look! gothism isnt just about a look! ah hah!

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Research the Victorian Gothic era of 1850-1900 (19th Century Europe) and get back to me with your assumptions of "gothism" Your idea of the culture being nothing but "darkness" and "satanic" is as biased and misled as the fake goths in this place. Satanism, dark religions, and "hiding behind makeup" is much differnet from the true dark sophisticates of the actual gothic culture. The ideas of goth in the 1850-1900's was of love, beauty, and darkness. Socialites roamed the streets at night, attending concerts and plays, socializing with aristocrats of similar interests, finding the beauty in darkness and things a bit more unorthadox than "rainbows and flowers." Again, do some research,

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: "All goths are misquided" That's not a question. And what does being gothic have to do with worshiping two gods? It had to do with christianity because you were telling us about how before you became christian you were misguided Because you were goth

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i never said all goths were obsessed with blood. dont put words into my mouth. im not judging you or shuning any one again YOU JUDGE and make the assumptions and thusly are shunning me... so backwarsds.. oh dear. sorry, old habbit.... and dark art how bout that... suit your tastes better?

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Goth doesn't simply have one definition.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Naw, Goth really is about the look. (:

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: then bring me a founded opinion/argument.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: span.. your so lost. you dont even know what your talking about. please read what your saying and doing CARFULLY. then try and engage intellegently. untel then i wont even try to talk to you. oh and i know the victorian era quite well thank you, as i had the look and what not. But "real goths" the ones who run this place dont base their "beleifs" on a mere look or time period, or else "nymphette" would never have been removed!

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: [Simply Real], it would honestly help if you used proper spelling and grammar. It's hard to understand some of the things you're typing. And she was removed for COPY/PASTING, nothing more.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Look, I don't care if you feel the need to act like god's bitch and come around telling us to convert. I can deal with that. But you are dancing around questions because you fucked up, not me, and then you say that I am misled because you have nothing better to back up your arguments. Way to go, loser, you're the one looking like a fool now.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i have, its you who fail to for you dont know christianity. .and yes you prod me with things i already know...  span.. you learn... alot.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: So the victorian era was all about "evil" and "dark magick" everything you so adamantly are against? I'm really quite confused by your logic, young one, since you seem to have such a biased opinion.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: conflicting at that.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i could have dressed in pink span, and i would stil have been a goth. its not a dress code, its a way of living that you apply to your life, now that is a connection to chrisianity! cept christianty is alot heathlier.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Then tell me, oh warrior, you know all so you should be able to answer any questions I have.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Oy. You know nothing. Live and let live, you twat.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i never said it was all about that, just i know what this specific sight is about... dont fill my mouth with words and things I didnt say.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: i have, its you who fail to for you dont know christianity. .and yes you prod me with things i already know: You have what? I can't understand this, make it legible and relevant so I can understand what you are trying to say. Also explain to me how it's relevant while you're at it.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i havnt even specifically mentioned dark magick, that was an assumption on your part :)

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Look. Place your complete argument on the table and maybe I'll have a reply. Right now, I'm just annoyed with your pathetic attempt at conversion.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Nothing he says is relevant. He's dancing around questions.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: name calling? whats the need of that? If truly younger than you, your mentality suggests otherwise. span.... your a plain with but one wing. please stop. your making my head hurt... and its not out of intellegence. incase you may be thinking that.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: *sigh* Again, I say "oy"

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: you wanna see why it may seem pathetic? try this period. MR IM ALL THAT! im arguing with 3 freaking people. Who stands with me? but myself? try coming at several arguments in a short period of time. take into acount cirumstance. and im not dancing around questions. put out a valid pointful question and ill answer.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: your a plain with but one wing? What does that even MEAN? At least I type legibly.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i never had nor wanted an argument in the first place, twas you who wanted to argu. I just stated a fact.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: I did, many of them. Answer every single question I have asked you clearly and simply and I swear to god I will convert to christianity.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: plane, sorry. Im a little tired, as ive worked today and it gettin late. :) even if not legible your brain should be able to register what ive said.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Try being in a class of 20 conservative Christians shouting "Adam and EVE, not Adam and STEVE" and backing them all against the wall with your argument. When you can paralyze someone with your words and intellect and can truly give me an argument worth replying to, THEN come see me.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i can only clearly answer what has been presented clearly.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: *sniggers* He's ignoring our pleas for correct typing. My inner English teacher is crying.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: But I do not need to do that oh so pridfull and arogant one, one day God WILL smite you, then you come talk to me :)

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: I am a writer, sorry im furiously typing. perhaps id type slower? then youd mock me for being slow and having to think longer. *sigh*

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: I can't, I'll be in hell, stupid.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: No, I would probably thank you for not typing illegibly.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: pridfull? PROUD! I agree with Spanak.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: My name is Ron. Remember it well and forever. You will hear it again, worldly one day. That will be the day you heart my argument, and there will be no fighting back.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Even if not legible your brain should be able to register what I've asked..

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: HAHA. *he falls out of his chair laughing* Thank you. I needed a laugh. I do pride myself on my intellect, that is quite right; however, without proof of your "God" existing, I have nothing to fear. And it is not that I denounce the power of a higher being, but I certainly denounce the need for Christianity, religion and it's rules.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: youve taken a fact i stated, and turned this into a name calling fit? and poiting out falts? if youd like to do that, and if it were in my nature still. You'd loose oh so fast, ignorant one. (a valid name for you prove it so easly)

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: My name is Stupid. Remember it well and forever. You will hear it again.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: I called you a loser once. That's hardly a fit, love.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: Hmm dont even get me started on how christianty is a religion. There will be a day your intellect fails to get you somwhere. Or if it gets you into trouble, then ill be the last one laughing, when you cry out to God. I have all the proof in my hands that God is real. My talents my abilities and well... I can prophesy

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: *again, he laughs, catching himself before he falls out of his chair* Dude. Calm yourself. You may be one of the most formidable Christian advesaries I have faced, but you are no pope. I believe in the bible.. it states something like "pride cometh before the fall." I'd watch your step if I were you.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Christianity is a religion. I do not think we ever doubted this fact, so you probably don't need to prove it to us.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Prophesize, you mean?

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: tell me muse... Why do you not love yourself?

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: No, im not a pope, popes are catholic the bible mentions no such thing as a pope. im not pridful for pride is being blind, im not blind to the things i know, and know I will do. No i dont mean propesize... but prophephy its spelt funky...

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Because I love Satan too much.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: span... it says int he bible that "my people will parish for lack of knowledge" you demonstrate why. Now look up the meaning of religon in a dictionary, then the bible. its a relationship with God. No religion... not that old argument yet again.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Tell me, Ronald, Why does that have any relevance to the subject at hand?

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: "propesize... but prophephy" LMAO. *has just had a mild seizure*

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: The people will parish! Oh my!

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: periods, you show pride in your pride for intellect and stating, or boasting how you backed 20 christians into the wall, and yes you could do that to a contemporary....Im no contemporary.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: re·li·gion (rĭ-lĭj'ən)
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Amen.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: "No religion... not that old argument yet again." It wasn't an argument. I was simply stating that we already know what a religion is, and you don't need to tell us, as you were apparently planning to do.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: You prove it yet again, you arnt demonstrating ANY RELAVENT KNOWLEGDGE. your going by what you heard in the news or in the paper or from a friend! Yes mock me as Jesus was mocked and I will be called blessed for it. there is no such word as prophesize perhaps change it up and ad a d and... you know what? thats an irrlevant argument...

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: i wasnt planning to do because you dont know what religion is span. Ok now that you found that out, there has to be the right motive behind said practices and beleifs IF NOT the spirit is religous and not a relationship... *sigh* for i know i just confused you.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: RELEVANT, SWEET PUPPET-MASTER! IT'S RELEVANT!

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: what? I looked it up in the dictionary like you told me to.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: people is jesus day were religios.... Jesus came to abolish that, with love and mercy and true worship and practices with the right motive in the heart, not all pious. Religous people killed Jesus, because jesus reveield the truth to them. They were fakes not practicing what they preached.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: now look it up in the bible! I knew id confuse you. *smiles* how to spell what i can do is not relavent. the point was that I can demonstrate Gods power in my hands.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: You said "Hmm dont even get me started on how christianty is a religion."

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: people is jesus day.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: so it was irrelevant. You getting a kick out of mocking me? its not bothering me? for that matter I love you all the more :) And forgive you and only pray God can forgive you.

2005-08-20 [Simply Real]: yeah meaning i had no intention of going there. you prove me right again span. well i gota go!

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Hah.. you have no idea how hard I am laughing at all of this right now. You say you dont have pride, therefore are free from Sin. Do you realize how contradicting you are being right now? You also seem to think that you are so in tune with what everyone else is feeling. Feh, I really dont know what to say to you. i'm not giving up, oh no, just annoyed at your persistant contradictions.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Actually, I am! Isn't that amusing? Kudos to you for finally spelling relevant right, though. I feel like a parent when their child learns to stop drooling or something. Oh, I wouldn't know if it was bothering you. why do you ask? :) Oh goody, you gotta love being loved. That's good, yay, thank you! I feel, dare I say...saved!

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Darn! >< He had to go when I was just ready to discuss. I'm kind of disappointed, now..

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Am I really as dumb as he makes me out to be, and I just can't see it?

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Yes. =P lol, jk.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: Nah. he's just misled by his conformist values. He saw how he was, which was obviously a misguided youth goth, and how he is now, an equally misguided conformist extremist Christian, and he's trying to provoke us, convert us in his own.. special way.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: God must be proud.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: another sin that his precious "God" commited. How is he ever supposed to reach perfection with such an imperfect being? I mean, this diety hates sin, which is a sin in itself. And now he's supposed to be proud of one of his more... enthusiastic individuals? Wha'ts next.. homosexuality? *shockgasp!!* ><

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Hey..I like being a conformist.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: I bet God's secretly gay and was just angry that Satan didn't want to make sweet, sweet love.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont try to conform to any direct values. If I do, oh well.. if not, oh well once again. I'm me.

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: Oh no, [Simply Real] can't be conformist, you know, because according to him(through messages) he is the one person who stands out among all becasue he is willing to believe in the Lord. Cause you know, there raen't billions of people who do the same thing every day. Oh yes, and while we're on the subject of bashing him-- it's angry, not angEry, Ronnie.--and don't try to tell me it's a typo becasue you write the same thing whenever you mention it in one of your messages to me.

2005-08-20 [mutant virago]: Ooooh. Bitchslapped.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: Hehe, ickle Ronneikins

2005-08-20 [cuntstitches]: He reminds me of that one girl that tried to convert me to Christianity, and when I refused she said what I needed was for God to slap the sense of the Lord into me. Not very Christianly.

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: Yeah, well things like that are not only stupid, they aren't even trying to get you to convert to a religion anyways. Oh no, what they want is to convert you to their particular way of being religious on top of everything else.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: I find it amusing. I was laughing so hard yesterday at him and he just thought I was "too proud" I love idiots who are too proud in themselves to even recognize that they are actually committing that "deadly sin" of pride.. hehe.

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: I find it funny to a point. Then it just gets really annoying. Every single one of his messages to me, with the exception of a few have been horribly spelled with terrible grammar, so bad I actually had to drop out of the conversation and freak out at him for his grade five level of spelling--and insanely long. THey also made no point except 'one day you will cry out to the Lord'...he also kept on ranting about he loves everyone,w hen really he was getting just as mad as i was, and then he hid behind this: 'there is no emotion portrayed over the internet'. And yeah, he is too swelled in the head for his own good, and it is really very annoying.

2005-08-20 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: this wiki sucks who are YOU to say what a fake goths is you are probably are fakers yourselves!!! get a life losers.

2005-08-20 [Keii]: Has grammer died without anyone telling me? o.O

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: ouch.. my eyes. First the horrible misspellings, and now, no punctuation? *sigh* I want to give up, but then there's the hope that someone may actually be educated. Yet, it doesnt seem to be that way. Case in point: Ms. "true goth" I never accused you of not being a goth, but in my experience, the true ones are the ones that dont go around screaming "I'm GOTH!! Dont talk to me because I'm dark and you will hate me anyway.. waaaaah!" It's really quite simple, people: Be yourself and quit trying to fit into what you think a group "should" be.

2005-08-20 [Spanakopida]: I'm not in any way goth anyways, so it would probably be kind of hard to be a fake goth in the first place.

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: Well said, [Lost in Illusions]. Yes, this girl is obviously misled, and she thinks she's making a point..kind of like [Victoria Louise] on the members page...banners page? anyways, she made me laugh!

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: Plus the fact that she is on prep haters says all.

2005-08-20 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: you guys think that u are so smart but did u evert stop and think tht i am maybe thevreal thing and i hate preps because they ate crule and heartless not Bcause i am a goth and yes i am a goth!

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: Or...maybe you hate 'preps' because they see you for what you really annoying, whiny, attention-seeking brat!

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: Heh Heh, [Lost in Illusions], you are the most scarcastic person I know! ^^

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: I concede. I'm also not going to try to talk to you if you insist on the consistent misspellings and horrid grammar. Again, I must say that the "true goths" I've encountered are not the ones that scream about how gothic they actually are, but those that appreciate the actual culture of darkness and intense emotion and blah blah blah.. I dont know all about it, but you really must develop a sense of self before claiming that you are something. But do tell, what exactly do you think "goth" is?

2005-08-20 [AbLam]: I don't even know the answer to that...I mean, what is a true goth? I don't think that there actually can be one...but no matter. The question wasn't directed at me, anyways.

2005-08-20 [Lost in Illusions]: well, the meaning of goth goes as far back as the ancient germanic people of Europe, the Visigoths. They helped shape most of what Western Europe is today. The definition follows down to the Victorian/Gothic era of the late 1800's. These were the classical gothics, sophisticates that lived for teh night, music and plays, meeting and socializing with fellow aristocrats. And finally, there's the typical subculture, being characterized by emotional and intense music, dark (usually black) clothes, depressed attitudes, blah.

2005-08-21 [AbLam]: My friend once said "I'm only wearing black until they make something darker'...heh heh!

2005-08-21 [Lost in Illusions]: hehe, I like that. And I like black. I heart wearing black, but I dont associate myself with idiotic cutters and "satanic" people because they wear black.

2005-08-21 [mutant virago]: Oh my goth. Ms. True-Goth, you just made my day. I WANT TO BE AS GOTH AS YOU!!oneone!11!!eleven!

2005-08-21 [AbLam]: Eh??? Have you checked out her house? If you are a prep fuck off! What an idiot. And then she goes and says that she is a 'true goth' whatever that is and THEN goes to say that she hearts 'Manson' who is apparently goffick!

2005-08-21 [mutant virago]: DUDE. PSH. NO. She is TOTALLY a true goth. Like whoah.

2005-08-21 [AbLam]: My GOD! You are sooo right! Why didn't I see it before? We should all ph342 her!

2005-08-21 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: i tell preps to fuck off because they are ALL heartless and crule and shallo and fake! evry single one i met has ben crule to me and they obviously dont understadn me so you can fukc of.

2005-08-21 [mutant virago]: AMEN SISTER! AMEN! THEY ARE CRULE!!! AND SHALLO!!! WORSHIP SATAAAAAN! *headbangs* (Oh, and so glad you see the light, [AbLam]. I mean, of course she's goth!)

2005-08-21 [Lost in Illusions]: Dude. I so heart your cynical ass like woah. You are gawd ^^ And Miss [xxxtrue-gothxxx], please give up before you get too far. You know nothing, that's all I'm going to say.

2005-08-21 [mutant virago]: *takes a bow* Thank you, thank you, you are all too kind. (I so am, haha). :P

2005-08-21 [AbLam]: Hell ya! I think I'm just going to go slit my wrists..I <3 blood, you know! Man, I am so x core goffick emo! Like three in one! OMGz! Man I h8 thoz crule <3less preps soooo much! Cuz yknow they all con4rm! I would so never do that! Lolz!

2005-08-22 [Grey Eyes]: Actually...I find this whole situation rather amusing because every "prep" I've met is the sweetest person alive. o-o It's more of the spoiled brats that you need to look out for xD

2005-08-22 [cuntstitches]: Seconded, Mistress Cookie.

2005-08-22 [Lost in Illusions]: I concur. Preps are just another set of sheep trying to fit in based on media-produced stigmas..

2005-08-22 [Grey Eyes]: ...I find it funny that most "goth" kiddios get all pissed off at just preps...when they should probably be more concerned about what the other "goths" think about them. I mean...isn't their entire point they're trying to make that they don't care what other people think?? I'm confused...and confusing myself. x.x

2005-08-22 [Lost in Illusions]: I dont hate 'groups' I hate people. It's that bias against humanity that pisses me off... which is why if I felt that way, I'd hate that Ms. "true goth" before I'd hate the preps.

2005-08-22 [Attention! Myspace.]: The preppy kids were only mean when they were little. xD *holds grudges?* Umm, yeah. *walks in on this conversation* But yes. I tend to dislike people who try to be something they're obviously not. Like overly emo kids who hate themselves because they're fat. o___o And then are like, "Oh, I'm a vampire wiccan and I cut myself and listen to metal music! Grawr!" But yeah. I'm just kinda making an ass of myself, so.... YOU'VE ALL PIROUETTED RIGHT INTO MY TRAP!

2005-08-22 [AbLam]: You're trap...what was your trap?

2005-08-22 [Avoral]: THERE WE GO. Osaka hit it perfectly. When they were little.

2005-08-22 [Lost in Illusions]: blah.. I dont know what to say, anymore.

2005-08-22 [Attention! Myspace.]: I don't really know what my trap was. But it was brilliant! n_n

2005-08-23 [AbLam]: Yeah, I know, like all of the preps I have ever met have been nice! Sometimes annoying, and rarely bitchy.

2005-08-23 [Grey Eyes]: There's only a few preps I've met who were bitchy...but they weren't just like that towards "goths" but just anyone they thought was below them o-o And this conversation is kinda funny because according to every online test I've taken I'm a "prep" o-o

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: the preps i met were prats to me when i used to dress all in black, and i wasn't even a goth! i got revenge, though. -sorry! didn't mean to cut in on your conversation-

2005-08-23 [Grey Eyes]: I don't think it's possible to cut in here x.X

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: okay, good.

2005-08-23 [Attention! Myspace.]: I'm a... blonde.... on every online test. Huh. Wonder why. o____o Well, most preps are really shallow and too giggly for me to be really good friends with, but other than that, they're usually pretty nice.

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: yeah, the ones HERE are, but i can't really judge- i sometimes shop at 'preppy' stores.

2005-08-23 [AbLam]: Well, yeah, but who really cares? I mean, saying that all preps are 'cruel and heartless' is like saying that all goths are whiny attention seeking brats.

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: yeah, you're right... i don't understand why people can't get along.

2005-08-23 [AbLam]: Because everyone (speaking for everyone, me included) is pretentious in some way or another. It's human nature. And can , for example, a goth get alng perfectly with a prep if what they hear from their group that preps are retarded bitches? And it goes vice-versa, I only took the preps vs. goths example because it's such an obvious one, but, obviously, ^^, there are plenty other groups that fight all the time.

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: yeah, i suppose you're right... but that's why i'm a drifter.

2005-08-23 [AbLam]: Heh-I'm not a drifter, but I'm not what you would call 'friendly with the goths of our school. NOt to say I fight with them ,just we don't interact all that much, although my sister does. However, she's not goth either, hmmm...

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i just get along with people... i don't get in to fights- often.

2005-08-23 [Lost in Illusions]: heh.. I have to break this to be completely irrelevant for a second, but your picture is one of the most beautiful I've seen. o_O Yeah, I dont know why but it speaks to me... anyway, yeah.. chavs, preps.. they're not really cruel and heartless, it's just the people I've come across... but then, they dont have to be a certain subculture, the person is just an asshole.. it's just that most of the assholes I"ve met are a certain group, like prep.. just sad that people think they ahve to be a certain way to fit into a group... *sigh* Yeah, tha probably made no sense... but I dont feel like making sense right now.. ><

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: my picture?

2005-08-23 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah... sorry =\ I dont know why I said that yesterday. oO

2005-08-23 [Zegrapefruitgod]: ...

2005-08-23 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah... *slaps himself and looks away* Uh.. sorry again.

2005-08-23 [AbLam]: Everyone fits into a certain group, it's kind of hard not to...

2005-08-23 [Lost in Illusions]: well, I do, but only unintentionally.. I fit into the groups of loudmouth, dont-give-a-shits ^^;

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Heh Heh, I don't intentionally either, but I know I do, and I make no effort to get out, because I do have great friends, but we are a group.

2005-08-24 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah, I heart my friend Spaz, and his group seems to like me, so I will eventually mesh in with them. ^^;

2005-08-24 [AbLam]: Meshing...meshing is good. one is commenting.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: i don't fit into any group... i think it's beneficial, though.

2005-08-24 [xxxtrue-gothxxx]: why woudl you tell me i know nothing? when clearly i have more knowledge than you do about goths because i am a goth.

2005-08-24 [Zegrapefruitgod]: what classifies you as a goth?

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